Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund

Yes, I did read another mind candy book.  Do I feel guilty?  Um, maybe a little bit.  I have a heftier line up to follow the four mind candy books I shared with you. 

I really did need the break.  I've loved what I've read so far this year, but I was tired from all of the thinking.  The best way that I can describe how these volumes of light fare reading have served me is to say, "think of taking a really great nap."  You know when you're over-tired or feeling unwell and you take a nap and wake up feeling like you can take on the world....or at least the laundry pile?  That's how I feel now.  I have a book on joy and another about the history of leadership in the US.  I'm also part way through The Confessions of St. Augustine.  As you can see, meatier fare is on the way.

About this book, it takes place in Michigan in the late 1800's.  A widowed lighthouse keeper with a young son rescues a woman when the steamboat she's a passenger on sinks.  A marriage of convenience quickly takes place and then...I'm not telling.  You have to read the book for yourself!  It was light and breezy and fun.  If you need a brain break, I recommend this book to you. 


Until next time...


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