What I've Been Reading

This book is a yearly read, because I need the regular reminder that God does His part and I need to do my part to grow in Christ-likeness.

This is a great read if you need direction for getting out of debt or just a resetting of your attitude toward money.  

If you enjoy historical fiction, this may be the book for you. This is the author's idea of what a possible back story for King Hezekiah and Queen Hephzibah might have been.  I enjoyed it from beginning to end. 

Because sometimes you need a good picture book.

I think we all go through mid-faith crisis at least once - probably more than once in our lives.  I appreciated her honesty and I could see myself in some of her story.

I liked the authors' take on cancer prevention and treatment.  They really put a lot of power back into the hands of the patient.  We have more control (for good or for ill) over our own health than we realize, I think.

Enjoy!  And please let me know what you've been reading.


  1. How do you like The Discipline of Grace? I am looking for a book on holiness, and I really don't have time to weed through books by reading them...I just want to find a good place to start.

  2. I both enjoyed and was challenged by The Discipline of Grace. I enjoyed knowing that God is the one who makes me able to grow in holiness (and that grew my confidence). I was challenged in specific areas to do my part to grow in holiness. He put the cookies on the bottom shelf without talking down to the reader. This is definitely a good place to start.


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