Are any of you runners? I don't mean fitness runners, I mean marathon runners? There's an expression used by marathon runners "hitting the wall." It means when they get to that point in the race when their body says, "no, I can't go any further" and they have to talk themselves into completing the course. I've felt lately like I've hit a literary wall of sorts. My goal for the year is to read two books a week so that I will have read 104 books at the close of 2018. I'm a librarian for crying out loud, this should be a piece of cake, right?! I'm not sorry that I set the goal. So far this year I've read more books than I read all of last year (in 2017 I read between 60 and 70 books, in 2018 I've read 72 so far), but I'm four books behind if I'm going to meet my goal. I've read a number of stretching books. They've stretched my thought life spiritually, culturally, and emotionally and I'm thankful....!