Book Two in the Golden Gate Secrets Trilogy

In Dreams Forgotten by Tracie Peterson The last two weeks have leant themselves to fun, relaxing reads. It's been gray and snowy here, not great weather for deep thought and wrestling with big ideas. So I read book two in the breezy Golden Gate Secrets trilogy by Tracie Peterson. After the deaths of her parents, Judith Gladstone travels to San Francisco with the hope of finding her aunt and possibly other family members as well. Friend and lawyer Caleb Coulter does everything he can to assist her in the search. What will she find? Who will she find? Will she find love in the process? I won't tell you because that would spoil all of your fun! If you're looking for a pleasant way to spend a weekend or several evenings with hot cups of tea I can recommend this book to you. The plot is predictable, but enjoyable. I felt relaxed and happy at the conclusion of this book. Until next time...