The Anti-Anxiety Food Solution by Trudy Scott, CN

It seems you can't watch television without seeing an advertisement for medication to treat some form of depression or anxiety.  Is all of that medication necessary?  Can we do something to alleviate the problem or heal ourselves?  This book definitely gives direction for those seeking an alternative way to care for anxiety and fluctuating moods. 

Each chapter deals with a different aspect of our health as it relates to food (sugar and blood sugar swings, caffeine, alcohol,  nicotine, gluten and other food sensitivities, digestion, and taking supplements).  Really what a lot of this boils down to is paying attention to our bodies when we eat and noting how food makes us feel (both physically and emotionally).  Ms. Scott encourages food journaling to track what was eaten and what our reaction was to the food.  She also shares real life stories of  her patients that relate to the topic in each chapter. 

I don't believe that we should all swear off doctors and medicine as a result of reading this book or Lost Connections, but I do believe that our bodies were created with an amazing ability to heal themselves if we work with them.  It seems valuable to consider how we could work with our bodies and minds to reduce or completely rid ourselves of the need of medication.  I believe Ms. Scott's book and Mr. Hari's book give us good guidance toward that end. 

I found The Anti-Anxiety Food Solution very readable and easily applied to real life.  And now I recommend it to you.

Until next time...


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