Ordinary Hero
Prepared for a Purpose by Antoinette Tuff
If you follow the news, you probably already know what happened on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at McNair Elementary School in Decatur, Georgia. A young man entered the elementary school armed to the teeth ready to end as many lives as possible, including his own. Ms. Tuff was the fill-in receptionist during the lunch hour that day. She calmly talked the gunman to a place of surrender and no one was hurt.
My take away from the book had less to do with the story of that day and more to do with how God had specifically prepared her to speak to the gunman. Ms. Tuff's life had been filled with difficulties that God had graciously carried her through. She could speak life to the gunman, because she knew from personal experience how God had spoken life into her own heart and mind. We all go through difficult situations that we want to end immediately. God has plans for those difficulties. He is using them to teach us about Himself and to bring us to a future in which we can minister to someone else on His behalf. Nothing is wasted in God's economy. We may not need to use God's lessons to us in as dramatic a way as Ms. Tuff did, but He will use every experience that we weather for His glory and for our good and the good of others around us.
I definitely recommend this book to you.
Until next time...
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