It's Never Too Early to Teach Our Girls about Jane Austen!

Ordinary, Extraordinary Jane Austen by Deborah Hopkinson, illustrated by Qin Leng. 

I love Jane Austen.  I've read her novels and I've watched multiple movie adaptations of her novels.  Every February I join those who firmly believe that Colin Firth IS Mr. Darcy for the annual watching of Pride and Prejudice while drinking tea by the gallon.  I've established my daughters as confirmed lovers of all things Austen.  I follow a Facebook page dedicated to the author, so it really shouldn't surprise anyone that I picked up this book from our library's children's section.

This is a newer title published in early 2018.  It follows the life of the author from her girlhood until her death at the age of 41.  Each page spread has one or two facts about a time period in Ms. Austen's life and then at the end of the book there is a two page spread that lists each of her six novels with a paragraph plot synopsis and a second two page spread that gives the timeline for Ms. Austen's life and career. 

This book was engaging and well-written.  The illustrations are playful - like I imagine Jane to have been.  This would be a wonderful book to read as a mother who loves all things Austen to her daughter (second grade or older).  As a teacher (homeschool, public school, or private school), this would be a lovely addition to your women's history month curriculum or your National Novel Writing Month curriculum. 


Until next time...


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