Murder and Mayhem on the 4th of July

The Bachelor Girl's Guide to Murder by Rachel McMillan

Meet Merinda Herringford and Jemima Watts, bachelor girl detectives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in the year 1910.  Merinda fancies herself a female Sherlock Holmes and Jemima is her John Watson.  Like Sherlock and Watson, they too are "consulting detectives" looking into strange cases and helping those whom the police would be less likely to notice.  The book opens with a murdered servant girl who had worked for the mayor of Toronto.  Unfortunately for him, it was an election year!  Uh-oh!

This wasn't the best mystery I've ever read.  It was obvious "whodunnit" pretty quickly and why.  And frankly, Merinda tried too hard to be like Sherlock.  Having said that, this was a pleasant story for anyone who just wants something breezy to read between weightier books.  It was a nice way to spend my free time over the last couple of days.  I don't regret it one bit!  I'll probably search out other books by Ms. McMillan for a little escapism. 

Until next time...


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