This book is a yearly read, because I need the regular reminder that God does His part and I need to do my part to grow in Christ-likeness. This is a great read if you need direction for getting out of debt or just a resetting of your attitude toward money. If you enjoy historical fiction, this may be the book for you. This is the author's idea of what a possible back story for King Hezekiah and Queen Hephzibah might have been. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. Because sometimes you need a good picture book. I think we all go through mid-faith crisis at least once - probably more than once in our lives. I appreciated her honesty and I could see myself in some of her story. I liked the authors' take on cancer prevention and treatment. They really put a lot of power back into the hands of the patient. We have more control (for good or for ill) over our own health than we realize, I think. Enjoy!...
I wanted to know what the buzz was about and why I kept seeing this book go through the library at lightning speed, so I put the book on hold and finally read it last weekend. Ms. Hollis is an engaging writer and excellent story teller. I can totally understand why people enjoy her website, blog, and books. I do think that we women have a tendency to put ourselves last and not achieve the goals we hope to do and she had some great advice on how to change that. Before or right after you read this book, I suggest that you read this review . There is good advice to be had from this book, but we need to be wise in what counsel we follow. There were some pieces of advice I intend to follow, but I recommend this book to you with reservations.
Are any of you runners? I don't mean fitness runners, I mean marathon runners? There's an expression used by marathon runners "hitting the wall." It means when they get to that point in the race when their body says, "no, I can't go any further" and they have to talk themselves into completing the course. I've felt lately like I've hit a literary wall of sorts. My goal for the year is to read two books a week so that I will have read 104 books at the close of 2018. I'm a librarian for crying out loud, this should be a piece of cake, right?! I'm not sorry that I set the goal. So far this year I've read more books than I read all of last year (in 2017 I read between 60 and 70 books, in 2018 I've read 72 so far), but I'm four books behind if I'm going to meet my goal. I've read a number of stretching books. They've stretched my thought life spiritually, culturally, and emotionally and I'm thankful....
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